
Website Hosting, Email Handling & Maintenance Packages

Fast & Reliable

Hosting Services

When it comes to your website’s hosting needs, reliability and speed are non-negotiable factors for success. That’s why our hosting services at Pixeljack are meticulously designed to prioritise performance and ensure your online presence remains seamless and accessible at all times.

With a commitment to excellence, our hosting packages boast a 99.9% uptime guarantee, providing you with the peace of mind that your website will always be up and running when your customers need it most. Leveraging the power of Cloudflare, we include free CDN management to enhance both speed and security, delivering lightning-fast loading times and protecting your website from online threats.

Security is paramount, so we provide free SSL certificates with every hosting package, encrypting data transmission and instilling trust in your visitors. Our proactive approach to disaster recovery includes website backups to Amazon’s AWS servers, ensuring that your valuable data is securely stored and easily recoverable during an unforeseen incident.

Complete Hosting Solutions

The Benefits

Simple, Scalable

Hosting Plans



5GB Disk Space
50GB Bandwidth
PHP 8 Ready
WordPress Optimised
SSL Certificate
Free Cloudflare CDN
Email Support

Small to Medium


20GB Disk Space
Unlimited Bandwidth
PHP 8 Ready
WordPress Optimised
SSL Certificate
Free Cloudflare CDN
Phone & Email Support
Managed Security Updates
Daily External Backups
Litespeed Website Caching

Medium To Large


50GB Disk Space
Unlimited Bandwidth
PHP 8 Ready
WordPress Optimised
SSL Certificate
Free Cloudflare CDN
Video, Phone & Email Support
Managed Security Updates
Daily External Backups
Litespeed Website Caching
eCommerce Optimised
Monthly Analytics Snapshot
30-Minutes Ad-Hoc Work

Large, High Traffic Sites


Our Enterprise hosting plan is a tailored solution designed for clients with demanding hosting needs. With unparalleled performance, dedicated support, and limitless scalability, the Enterprise plan offers a bespoke hosting experience crafted to meet your business’s unique requirements. Whether you have a high-traffic website, complex applications, or large e-commerce platforms, our Enterprise plan provides the infrastructure and expertise to ensure optimal performance and reliability, allowing you to focus on growing your business without constraints.

Case Study

Hosting Migration to our Servers

An increase of 4400% in Time to First Byte (TTFB)

Experience the transformative power of Pixeljack’s hosting services with a real-life example.

Before migrating to our platform, our client’s website experienced slow loading times, sluggish performance, and frequent errors.

Use the slider to witness the remarkable improvement in key metrics, including contentful paint and page loading times (the lower the number, the better).

Left ImageRight Image

All-in-one Solution

Additional Support Service

  • Email Hosting
  • Support Services
  • Monthly Plans


Email Hosting

30 GB/per mailbox
Advanced Anti-Spam, Virus Check and 2FA
Webmail, IMAP & POP3, and Mobile / Desktop Apps
Sharable Calendar, Contact Groups and Gmail / Outlook / Apple Mail Compatibility
Video Conferencing & Screen Sharing Integration

Around The Clock

Support Services

After launching your website, we offer a range of support packages to support you & your business as required. This can be ad hoc or on a rolling monthly retainer:

24/7 website, email & technical support via email, phone & WhatsApp.
WordPress / CMS Training and all-year-round support.
Technical issue & problem solving.
Personalised training videos via Loom.
Website, marketing & graphic consultancy.
Website design, development and change requests.
Security monitoring.
Regular website framework & plugin updates, enhancing site security.
Google Analytics reports and monitoring.


Design & Development Retainers

We recommend our rolling monthly support plan for customers who require SEO optimisation or regular ongoing work. This commitment to regular work offers a lower hourly rate than ad hoc work and the flexibility to roll over hours if unused. Examples include:

Everything outlined in the Support Services.
Priority access to our 24/7 support.
Priority website / marketing / graphical work, including edits to your site design, code, content and SEO.
Regular work developing your site, including page creation, additional functionality, and content.
Creation of landing pages.
Google Analytics tracking, reporting and consultancy.
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) – onsite & offsite optimisation & link building.
Priority technical support, including website speed optimisation.

Let’s Chat

Need a Fast, Reliable hosting provider?

Do you want to boost your website performance whilst enhancing security?

We’d love to discuss your requirements and create a free proposal. Complete the short form below, give us a call or discover our project planner to get started:

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